Thursday, September 17, 2009

Marketing Your Website - Part 1 (Productive Vs Allocative Efficiency)

So you have your website and your looking for some more traffic, because lets face it, the more traffic you have the greater your potential revenue is. Well before you start advertising your website there are two types of product marketing you should know about to help get the most out of where you advertise your website.

Productive Vs Allocative Efficiency

Productive Efficiency is posting links to your website in as many places as possible without any real thought as to the audience in which you are advertising to. This means sending your product (Your Website) to as many people as possible. This sounds great at first but you must ask yourself if that is the audience you really want to attract. Advertising a new hamburger recipe on weight loss sites won't go very well for you.

A great example of productive efficiency is about Russian Tractors. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, they decided they wanted to produce the highest quality tractor known to man. They made the factory and shortly after began cranking out thousands upon thousands of the best tractors on earth. If you went to the factory and walked through the storage yard you could see tractors all the way to the horizon in front of you, and tractors all the way to the horizon behind you. The Russians did it! They made the best tractor money can buy!

But they forgot one thing... these tractors were rusting in the storage yard, falling apart. They focused all their energy on simply making the product, that they forgot about how to get it to the right people. They only worried about Productive Marketing: Getting the Bestest, Firstest. The Russians could not get their product to the right hands.

Allocative Efficiency is all about getting your product to the right audience, to the people that really want it. Before you start advertising your website on every corner of the web, think about the audience you want to reach and consider where best to advertise your website. If you advertise with Google Adwords then most of the work is already done for you. Except that costs a good amount of money, and this blog is about doing it all for free. So now you need to think about going to forums, becoming another websites affiliate, making webpages on other websites such as myspace and youtube, and submitting articles to publishers or blogcarnivals.

As a quick example I made two videos on youtube about how to use a certain feature on Fruity Loop Studios 8 (A Music Production Program). These video were identical. I posted a link about the videos on two different forums: A music production forum, and a music listeners forum. As one can probably guess the video posted on the music production forum received nearly 5,000 more views the first week as apposed to the other video receiving a mere 13 views.

Worry about getting your website to the right audience before trying to get it to more and more people. 50 views from people actually interested in your website will bring a higher CTR (Click Thru Rating) then 1,000 views from people that accidently clicked on your link.

You need to find a balance between allocative ad placement and productive ad placement. Some random links to your website is a good thing becuase you never know who the potential viewer is.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Easily Generate Backlinks Daily (Tip 1)

If you run a website or even multiple websites, one key thing that I am sure you are all really tired of hearing about is.... YES you guessed it: Backlinks. Backlinks are links to your website posted on other websites. The more backlinks you have the more visitors you are likely to get. Also, the better you SEO. So in general backlinks equals more traffic!

For this tip I am going to focus on forum signatures. Most every webmaster is a member of an online forum or more. Personally I am a member of over 50 forums. Yet only really active in 10. For those of you a bit new to this whole forum or website deal a forum signature is the text/HTML that appears at the end of every post you make on a particular forum/thread.

Ok, really easy here: Put A Link To Your Website In Your Forum Signature! If you only make about 3 posts a day that instantly you generated 3 backlinks to your site. If you are a really active forum goer it is even possible to generate close to 30-50 backlinks A DAY!! Ok that may be stretching it but some days that may happen. If you already have a forum account with posts already all over the place, simply change your signature and every post you have made in the past will give a backlink to your website. One forum that I have been a member of for nearly 3 years and have made nearly 3,000 posts. Upon adding my websites URL to my forum signature my google page ranking increased from the 20th page, to the 5th link on the first result page. That's nuts!!
